Industry disruption already started in 2021...
In 2023 we will see the expansion of automation throughout the grocery sector.
With the launch of the automated ‘Fresh’ chain store, Amazon has begun its plans of taking over global grocery shopping.
Grocery store owners must choose: ADAPT, or DIE.
One startup’s breakthrough solution can help any grocery store thrive in the upcoming automation revolution.

Financed by CDTI

Which of these 4 inefficiencies is killing your local supermarket?

Problem #1:
Human Labor Costs
According to Glasdoor.com, every supermarket employee costs $2476 per month in salary plus benefits.
(Not including additional costs such as sick and vacation days, insurance premiums, payroll taxes, ‘hero’ pay, etc.).
The average U.S. supermarket
employs 69.76 workers. This amounts to. . .
Monthly cost: $170,258 ($2476 min. Per employee)
The average U.S. supermarket employs 69.76 workers. This amounts to.
Monthly cost: $170,258 ($2476 min. Per employee)
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Problem #2:
Out of stock items
Harvard Business Review study finds nearly half of intended purchases are lost when customers encounter stock-outs.
For the average U.S. grocery store, those abandoned purchases add up to $713,170 a year in lost sales.
The same study found that 7 in 10 out-of-stock items were due to faulty in-store ordering and restocking practices.
Monthly profit loss: $59,430
The same study found that 7 in 10 out-of-stock items were due to faulty in-store ordering and restocking practices.
Monthly profit loss: $59,430
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The same study found that 7 in 10 out-of-stock items were due to faulty in-store ordering and restocking practices.
Monthly profit loss: $59,430

Problem #3: Produce waste
40% of the food produced in the US every year is thrown away.
More than half of the wasted food is unsold fruits and vegetables.
Monthly profit loss: $47,215
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Problem #4:
Poor customer service
If there’s one thing Amazon teaches us, it’s that customer service is critical.
In fact, One-third of consumers say they would consider switching companies after just one instance of bad customer service.
On the other side of the scale, studies show that companies who excel at customer experience drive revenues 4%-8% higher than their market.
Yet it is estimated that every year, 2.54% of sales are lost due to poor customer service.
For the average U.S. grocery store, that adds up to $452,863 a year in lost sales.
(And that doesn’t even factor in the impact of bad reviews this creates.)
Monthly profit loss: $37,738
On the other side of the scale, studies show that companies who excel at customer experience drive revenues 4%-8% higher than their market.
Yet it is estimated that every year, 2.54% of sales are lost due to poor customer service.
For the average U.S. grocery store, that adds up to $452,863 a year in lost sales.
(And that doesn’t even factor in the impact of bad reviews this creates.)
Monthly profit loss: $37,738
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Bottom Line cost: A staggering $144,383 profit loss, plus $170,258 in fixed employee costs - Every month!

Our Solution:
A Robotic Dream Team
In the last 4 years, Super Robotics has researched and invented a full, affordable solution for any grocery store.
All 4 grocery store problems require not just one, but a whole team of robots, working together in a perfect concert pitch.
Our robot team has no less than 5 different robots. Each one is designed to do certain tasks, and all 5 work together to maximize grocery store profits.
Super Robotics’ 5-robot team will debut by the end of 2021. With our proprietary development method, it takes our engineering team 1/4 the time and 1/10 the cost to design and manufacture a robot.
Any store owner can finally cut their costs and increase profit margins by as much as 45%.

Our Secret Sauce:
Crowd Inventing
Crowd-Inventing is Super Robotics’ way of partnering with robot parts manufacturers.
It allows Super Robotics to secure extremely low prices on robot parts.
Super Robotics has established world-class R&D collaboration with the best robot technology research institutes in the world.
Super Robotics collaborates with world-renowned researchers from some of the top universities in the world, such as: